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The 2015 edition of Krakow’s Unsound festival was titled “Suprise” and, indeed, half of the festival’s performances had been kept secret until their very occurrence. Parisian DJ and producer Low Jack was the only publicly announced SHAPE artist of the festival’s program, and the performances of such acts as Borusiade, Yves De Mey, RSS B0YS and DJ Nigga Fox were, literally, a surprise.

Another SHAPE artist, Italy’s trance music deconstructionist Lorenzo Senni, presented Hot Shotz –  a new collaboration with the British industrial and no-wave influenced techno producer Powell, which had been commissioned specifically for Unsound.

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Pictures of Borusiade, DJ Nigga Fox, Low Jack and RSS B0YS are by Anna Spysz;

Hot Shotz were photographed by Camille Blake;

Yves De Mey’s show was photographed by Theresa Baumgartner.

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