Milan-based musician Hazina Francia aka Tadleeh performed a live set – which was livestreamed due to the Covid-19 quanratine – as part of dgtlfmnsm event via HAU. Her club-heavy, brooding debut EP, Ego Will Collapse, was released in summer 2019 on Berlin’s Yegorka label.
The episode HOT MESS is an interactive installation that refers to the often chaotic order of our desktops, our digital desks, our thought palaces and frivolous filing systems. All the data, the documents, the suffering and joy, the private and the public, these complex overlapping worlds, are hidden behind small symbols, permeating us as hyper-individualized beings in capitalist work and life cultures.
HOT MESS attempts a loving and critical devotion to these user interfaces and resigns with relish to the long lost possibility of reducing data volumes or preventing their misuse.
Watch the live stream below: