The SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and audiovisual art – co-funded by the European Union and now also Pro Helvetia – is announcing a newly formed radio station network, created to boost the visibility of its artists. This media partner network consists of 14 radio stations, and spans 14 countries so far.
What it does
Every month, two SHAPE+ artists will be selected to create hour-long broadcasts – these can be mixes, lengthy new works or live recordings – to then be aired on up to 14 musically future-forward radio stations.
Who’s participating
Many stations of this network are based in countries, where SHAPE+ does not have a partner festival, thus broadening the platform’s geographical reach even further. While there are plans for further expansion, the list of participating radio stations is as follows:
Radio Punctum (Czech Republic)
It is worth noting that other radio partnerships of SHAPE+, such as, for instance, NTS Live or Rinse FM, will continue operating independently of this network and will offer different audio.
First broadcasts

Throughout August, stations of this new network will be broadcasting mixes by the Stockholm-based electro-acoustic composer John Chantler and Latvian-Estonian sound artist and composer sofi. You can hear them below, aired on Poland’s Radio Kapital and Spain’s Radio Relativa respectively.
What’s next?
In September, keep Your ears open for a live recording by Ukrainian DJ and producer Andriy K. and a sleep-themed mix by Slovakian sound designer/vocalist Lénok.