Country: DE

Marylou is a French, Berlin-based DJ. A Morphine Records & Ominira affiliate with impeccable taste focusing on a no boundaries selection. Her edgy and psychedelic sets are always an experimentation of her true style: From Traditional music, improv jazz
and Noise to dub, bass, footwork or breakcore, there are always special instants in Marylou’s mixes, jumping around bpms and styles, which have already gotten the likes of edgy festivals & platforms like Atonal, Terraforma, Intonal, CTM, Cafe Oto, Berghain..
By hosting two shows on Rinse France and Refuge Radio, a regular on NTS, she showcases her eclectic and vibrating sound and curates some incredible shows.

Marylou is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.
