Alex Augier is an electronic musician, based in Paris. His work explores digital aesthetics in a transverse prism, including sound, visual and formal elements. These elements interact within the scenic space and take the forms of audiovisual performances. The presence of the performer participates in the intentions transmitted by the multimedia propositions. He defends an overview of the creative process where design, programming and technology are an integral part of the artistic project. His works have been presented at international festivals including Scopitone (Nantes/FR), Elektra (Montreal/CA), Digital Choc (Tokyo/JP), Manifeste (Paris/FR), Kino Beat (Porto Alegre/BR), Athens Arts Digital Festival (Athens/GR), Open Source Art Festival (Gdansk/PL), Némo (Paris/FR)…

_nybble_ / Official Teaser from alexaugier on Vimeo.

Download a publicity photo here (credit: Quentin Chevrier).


This artist participated in the SHAPE platform which concluded in 2022. The current version of the project is SHAPE+. Like its predecessor, it is co-funded by the European Union.