Country: CH

Lanfranchi is a touring musician and composer with a background in classical music and studies in voice, performance and composition. Her trademark is a distinctive tone in her voice and sounds, influenced through her upbringing with the organ. Connecting classical songwriting with experimental sound design, using refined sound resources and emotional highs. Taking part in interdisciplinary collaborations through various band projects and album releases.

Her latest longplayer, Selwi, was critically acclaimed and introduced Junge Eko to an international audience. A next release and tour will follow later this year. Recently she has been on tour in CH, UK, DE, FR, IT, NL, US; airplay and live sessions on KEXP Radio Station Seattle US and Mutant Radio GE, Radio alHara Palestine, FluxFM DE, Couleur3, SRF. Awards include Label Indie Suisse Album of the Year, Árvore, GDSFM Album of the Year, GDSFM EP of the Year.

Junge Eko is an artist of the SHAPE+ platform for innovative music and interdisciplinary art, co-funded by the European Union and Pro Helvetia.

Photo: Simon Habegger
